申請用紙に必要事項を記入し、以下の方法で申請して下さい。 指導者・準指導者は、JBJJF会員登録に加えて、IBJJFカードの取得が必要となります。
登録更新の受付時期が近づきましたら、JBJJF blog、及びメールマガジンにて、翌年度分の年会費納付のご案内を告知致します。会費の振込みが確認された時点で、更新手続きが完了となります。更新手続きを特に行わなければ、自動退会となります。
Se sua academia solicitar uma sociedade com JBJJF, a academia e reconhecida como uma academia oficial. Todos os socios da academia podem solicitar sociedades e sistema da faixa com JBJJF, e participar em todos os campeonatos oficial por JBJJF. JBJJF falar uma revisao e ira aceitar solicitacao de sociedade da academia Todas as academias e instrutores (os representantes) tem que aceitar as condicoes e regulamentos do JBJJF.
Todos os academias sao listados no site de JBJJF. Alem disso , enviado certificado para a academia oficial.
Responsible professor e assistente professor precisam registrar no JBJJF international card (JBJJF nacional card tambem) para participar academia.
Por favor depois de ter transferido taxa de inscricao solicite dois documento do seguinte mandar pelo correio.
Quando chegar perto do renovacao de registro da academia, JBJJF vai lancar informacoes sobre renovacao pelo JBJJF blog e email-magazine da JBJJF. Quando voce terminar pagando, sua renovacao de registro da academia sera completa. So se voce quiser fazer algumas mudancas com suas informacoes (endereco, instrutor…), Por favor, envie-nos formulario novamente. Se voce nao quiser renovar sua academia, por favor, basta nao pagar. Sua academia sera automaticamente cancelado .
If your academy applies for a membership with JBJJF, the academy is recognized as an official academy. All members of the academy can apply for both memberships and belts with JBJJF, and participate in all tournaments sanctioned by JBJJF. JBJJF will review and accept academy membership applications. All academies and instructors (representatives) have to agree to the terms and regulations of JBJJF.
All official academies will be listed in the JBJJF website, and the certificate of registration will be sent out by mail.
Responsible instructor and assistant instructor must have JBJJF international card. If you don’t have it yet, click here to get it. Please send the 2 items below by mail after you deposit the registration fee.
Before starting renewal registration, JBJJF will release its information on JBJJF blog and email news letter. When you finished paying fee, your academy renewal will be completed. Only if you want to make some changes with your information(address, instructor), please send us application form again. If you don’t want to renew your academy, please just don’t pay fee. Your academy will be remove out from JBJJF automatically.